Saturday, July 24, 2010

American Food in Germany

It is always interesting to see how your country is perceived abroad. Citizens of other countries might never visit the US, but rely on culture that has been exported (food, art, music, media, politics et cetera) to build their opinion.

I have become obsessed with documenting the different food items I find in various markets that use national origin as a selling point.

Movies anyone?


Just like Ma' used to make em.


Hot dogs in brine?

Dehydrated cheeseburgers.

A snack to-go.

Alliterative white bread.

Dear Germany,
The food in your country is fresh, affordable and full of flavor... buying bullshit American snack food is repulsive. Please consider that the 'American food' for sale is only a fraction of the products offered in American markets. I must say I was disappointed not to see the 'Maple Bacon Doughnut' featured on


  1. i am kind of into the popcorn-buckets :)

  2. Me too. I thought the bucket would be cool to put my office supplies in.
